Badgerberry Meant To Be For Clumsetter
Pedigree of Badgerberry Meant To Be For [...]
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Ecco was born in January 2017. Bred by our dear friends Niki and Trevor Pearson-Bish, he is our first Tri-Colour (he is Chocolate, White and Tan) and is developing into a very handsome boy. He has a lovely soft nature is proving a joy to train and work.
Ecco has just started his stud duties and has sired two litters with more expected. He has sired a litter of Chocolate and Tan, Chocolate Roan and Chocolate and White Ticked and our own litter of Chocolate and Tans and a Tri.
Ecco has a great pedigree. You can see this by clicking on the link above.
We have focused on his gundog training and we introduced him to his shooting duties over the 2017/2018 shooting season.
Health Test Results:
Ecco is hereditary clear for AMS, FN and prcd Mutation for PRA.
GPRA and CPRA BVA Eye Examiniation - Unaffected - 22/2/18.
Gonioscopy - Unaffected - PLA Grade 0 - 22/2/18.